1.1. The name of the non-profit association is the Non-profit association THEOSOPHIA KONGREGATIO (hereinafter the Association) is a voluntary association of persons acting in public interest on behalf of themselves or on behalf of their legal foundations.
1.2. The name of the Association is THEOSOPHIA KONGREGATIO and it is located in the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn
1.3. The Association is an independent organisation and it is not a section of any other organisation.
1.4. The objectives of the Association are:
1.4.1. We protect the Authors of censored or otherwise discriminated against rights and freedoms (including information) in the community (by religion, belief, education, thought expression, involvement in communities or organizations / companies, citizenship, nationality, gender (any), personal subjective point of view (whether factual or not), whether true or fiction, protection against forced vaccination of adults and children (and also newborns), protection from cookies, protection of the interests and lives of children (of life itself, as well as including from false education, false culture, false history, pseudoscience, pseudomassmedia, pseudomedical, etc. false information), protection of the DNA of people created in the image and likeness of the Gods (and therefore Gods by «nature»), protection of interests in our trade union (hereinafter — the community) from YouTube and other similar organizations and communities, we defend persecuted bloggers and other authors and opinion leaders (writers, scientists, musicians, philosophers, teachers, monks, magicians, religious leaders and pastors of any churches of any denominations, public leaders, politicians, businessmans, doctors and other geniuses from being burned at the stake against their will and from any encroachment on their inviolable life, property, rights and freedoms), Human and his/her rights are above all, Human is the crown of evolution as a creation.
1.4.2. We help living People with Sugar, Honey, Ice and Tea (shortly — SHIT) free of charge (including transfers of such products by our behalf or with the help of our Association members and partners), we provide Educational and Mutual Fund benefits for our members and circulating system of donations technology to help our members and partners to be wealthy, healthy and wiser and also protect the interests of the dead according to their statements during their lifetime (including the fulfillment of the last will, for example, cremation instead of burial of the body, as well as the distribution of the property of the deceased), we are trying to support those who are not ill and backward, we support the mentally, physically and mentally healthy, so that there will be even more of them, we do not give «fish», we teach how to catch «fish», we support the construction of sports and recreation, educational facilities offline and online, we are engaged in teaching religious and non-religious teachings, which are enlightenment and educational activities, since «to promote the study of religions» or «non-religious teachings and beliefs» in a sense means to promote the study of the history of humanity, in view of this, there are three goals of our Association, enshrined here: Establish a core of worldwide brotherhood/sisterhood without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, etc. Encourage comparative study of religions, philosophy and sciences. Explore the unexplained laws of nature and the hidden powers of humanity.
1.4.3. Protecting the interests of People from robots (including any technical systems and tools) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), including discrimination by AI, from wiretapping, surveillance and intrusion into their personal (private) life through social networks, cameras etc. in other ways (for example, through television networks, communications, 4-5g-X(any)-G systems and their analogues), protection from the 25th frame, zombies and NLP, protection from propaganda, protection of one’s body and the bodies of one’s family members (including minors or just born) from physical, biological, nanotechnological and any other external interference against their will, defending vernacular healers (e.g.: molfaro, herbalists), protection from pills, the right to refuse any pills and injections, forceful protection from the forceful capture of people and taking them out for further injection and detention, protection of people with heterosexual sexual orientation )including from non-binary attacks(, protection of mentally and physically healthy people, support for sports, a healthy lifestyle (HL), traditional (ethnoscience) medicine, protecting «nuts» (e.g., people with “stigma” as mentally ill, ridiculed) and other socially uncomfortable people, promoting human relations between people (and the trust like “handshake”), protecting the majority from attacks from minority groups, protecting minorities from attacks from majority groups, informing the public to stop banging their heads against each other at the direction of Ares and others, helping stop human speculation in languages, borders, races, passports, money, social grades and other artificial divisions of society — people — members of the same species, raising the level of the economy of countries without borders, improving the intelligence of people, the formation of a Community of All Countries and assistance All All All (AAA) People, promotion of friendship and love of all with all — the Ideas of Utopia.
1.4.4. Protection of the interests of people, rights and freedoms (including freedom of speech, thought, religion, the right to free choice or lack of choice of personal medicine and hygiene, the right to refuse chipization of oneself and one’s children, the right to raise one’s children and to refuse to transfer children for upbringing / management / ownership / otherwise to the state (including the right to refuse to transfer children of any Mother (Giver The Life) to maternity hospitals, kindergartens, schools, colleges, institutes, universities, warplaces etc.), the right to refuse to be born in a test tube and to manipulate the DNA of children and myself (my body is my temple), the right to refuse to transfer one’s body after death to a medical institution and/or mortuary, the right to refuse to donate blood and donate one’s organs for donation (removal) during life and after death, the right to refuse donate placenta in maternity hospitals (for example, if Mother wants to use it and the stem cells obtained from it in their own interests, for example, for their health), the right to refuse implantation foreign bodies, microchips (including liquid or nanotech), the right to direct democracy, the right to refuse to participate in political or religious / essentially similar elections, the right to protection from law enforcement agencies (military included) and the army (Human Life is above all), protection of private property of individuals and legal entities, protection from censorship committees in any form, the right to refuse the use of a single world currency and / or rfid microchips, as well as an identification number and laser markers on the arm and forehead, the right to refuse to participate in any religion (since the word religion comes from the words re-liga, which means to share «leagues» (society)), the right to access information (including information of those in power), protection of equity (including cash, stocks, securities, crypto assets, brands, companies/organizations and other property (movable and immovable), gold, diamonds and other valuable liquid analogues of money) in accordance with the Constitution and Truth (No Religion Higher Than Truth) — we act as a Human Rights Organization.
1.4.5. Protection of live births of children and adults, as well as the elderly (including the right to privacy, the right to live where a person wants, the right to say what a person wants, etc.), conducting webinars, seminars, local and international conferences, posting videos and texts on the topic of Utopia, Promotion of Educational Systems of the New World and KNOW-HOW of technologies, real history, culture, etc., financing the creation, publication and promotion of books and songs, clips, games, apps etc. that correspond to the ideas of Utopia, organization of ecovillages and all the necessary infrastructure, defending interests of humanity from aliens invasion, Restoring Justice, alerting the public about transnational corporations and secret societies that have a direct or indirect impact on human lives, as well as information hidden from society (including classified), directly or indirectly relating to all mankind and the interests of the entire human species, including information about crises, pandemics, wars, deaths of presidents and other influential writers and community leaders, protection from hunger, wars and viruses, as well as information weapons (including disinformation), disclosure of financial, political, religious, informational, technological and other schemes of deceiving people in the past in order to prevent this in the future, restoration of human memory, we support Peace and Human World like a brotherhood / sisterhood. We are generating Peace leads and we are the Good, which can stand up for itself and be protected from any Evil. We are guided by an ancient saying to protect humanity from extraterrestrial civilizations: «If you want Peace, prepare for war.» The Association is ready to cooperate only with spiritually highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations that are not present on the nearest lands at the time of the Association’s creation, but we hope that they will appear in the future in order to protect living people from the usurpation of grays, shapeshifters, reptilians and priestly orders through a network of their secret and explicit organizations and societies in the form of the Web and the Spider under the leadership of the Hierarch on the Triangle with the Eye.
1.5. In order to achieve its objectives, the Association carries out the following activities:
1.5.1. organisation of the process of developing of International Human Life standards, including the adoption, amendment and withdrawal of standards of Utopia, informing the public online (e.g.: video-hosting with storage and information keeping, mobile apps, text website messaging, blogging, webinars, streaming authors managing and promoting in our social media platforms / websites and at the third-party platforms / sites, computer programs and operation systems making and distibuting) and offline (conferences, meetings and promotions in the life);
1.5.2. taking part in the work of European and international standardisation organisations with the same Utopia vision, providing Mutual Fund and donation circulation transfer system benefits for our members (inside Association) and partners;
1.5.3. publishing, preserving, and making available to the public of Estonian and international as well as European standards, information and other publications and specifications in the field of Human of Utopia standardisation by means of sale and distribution of Utopia standards, we try to prevent Anti-Utopia and Idiocracy, with all possible and impossible forces, we try to separate the wheat from the chaff and the subhuman and non-human creatures (for example, pretending to be human, but not really such, for example, shapeshifters, clones, robotes, enhanced-modificates) with Human in the image and likeness of God (actually God);
1.5.4. establishing the infrastructure of standardisation as well as supporting relevant activities, educational system formation and building online and offline, including the development of procedural requirements pertaining to development of Human standards to the Utopia level, well-known as Golden age, only we strive to ensure that Utopia exists forever;
1.5.5. providing information and training services in the field of Utopian standardisation both for a fee and free of charge with a goal to make the great Freedom and fullfill the Salvation Goals that were written in “The Book of Salvation From The Doomsday” (O. Seriy) and other sources; providing accounts (cabinets) for Association members with unique Educational and Mutual Fund benefits circulating system and transfers of donations technology.
2.1. Any physical or legal person who meets the membership requirements, agrees with the Association’s objectives, and agrees to fulfill the Association’s Articles of Association and the Resolutions of the General Meeting and the Management Board can become a member of the Association.
2.2. A person who wants to become a member must submit a written application (could be signed and submitted online via our site) to the Management Board, who will make a decision to accept or decline the application within one month as at the receipt of the application and will inform the applicant of the decision.
2.3. A person that wants to become a member of the Association must pay a membership fee for the current financial year to the Association’s bank account. The annual membership fee can also be broken down into monthly regular payments (subscription). This is possible only in the case of payment through one of the Association’s sites on the Internet after the user’s consent with an auto-draft from his account to the Association’s account. In the case of untimely payment of the membership fee (including a payment error due to the fault of the member or his financial institution), the member ceases to be a member of the Association (the membership procedure in that case will need to be repeated according to the new (in case of changes) rules according to the internal regulations of the Association. To avoid exclusion (removal and deprivation) of all benefits and advantages of being a member of the Association, it is better for members to pay membership fees in advance or always have a positive balance (with excess expenses) on the member’s account.
2.4. All members of the Association must pay a membership fee. The general meeting will decide the amount of the membership fee.
2.5. All members of the Association can leave the Association on the basis of a written application.
2.6. The Management Board of the association can exclude a member of the Association when the activity of the member is considered as juxtaposing the Association’s objectives or as disregarding the clauses of the Association’s articles of association.
2.7. The Management Board of the association can exclude members who fail to pay the membership fee of the current financial year.
2.8. The Management Board of the Association will immediately notify the excluded members of the exclusion decision and its reasons. The excluded members have the right to forward the issue for review to the general meeting.
3.1. Members of the Association have the right to:
take part in all events organised by the Association;
take part in the general meeting with the right to speak and vote;
receive information about the activity of the Association;
leave the Association;
be elected in the management bodies of the Association;
3.2. Members of the Association must:
recognise the objectives of the Association and adhere to its articles of association and the resolutions of the General Meeting and Management Board when participating in the Association’s activities;
pay the Association’s membership fee.
4.1. The Association’s general meeting serves as the Association’s highest body where each member of the Association has one vote.
4.2. Competence of the general meeting:
amending the Association’s Articles of Association;
amending the Association’s objective;
establishing the size of the Association’s membership fee;
appointing and removing members of the Management Board;
making decisions on any other issues which have not been assigned to other bodies by law or with the articles of association.
4.3. The general meeting has quorum when at least 50% of the Association’s members take part of it. When at least 50% of the Association’s members are not represented at the general meeting, then the Management Board will call a new general meeting with the same agenda in three weeks at the earliest and in three months at the latest. The new general meeting is competent to make decisions regardless of the number of members represented at the meeting.
4.4. A question that was not put in the agenda before the general meeting may be included in the agenda when all members of the Association participate in the meeting or when more than half of the Association’s members participate in the general meeting and more than 9/10 of them agree to the addition.
4.5. An Association’s general meeting is held at least once within a calendar year. The general meeting is called when the Association’s Management Board sees that it is necessary or when at least 1/10 of the Association’s members submit a reasoned request to call a general meeting to the Association’s Management Board.
4.6. The Management Board will inform the members of the time, place, and agenda of the general meeting in writing in a format that can be reproduced at least 7 days in advance.
4.7. If a member of the Association wants an issue to be discussed at the following general meeting, he or she must notify the Management Board of the Association in writing before the notification on calling a general meeting is sent.
4.8. All members of the Association can participate and vote at the Association’s general meeting. Each person entitled to vote only has one vote. A member of the Association may authorise another member of the Association to vote for them with an unattested proxy.
4.9. In cases where these articles of association or the law does not require otherwise, a resolution of a general meeting will be deemed to be adopted when more than half of the members of the Association present or represented at the general meeting vote in favour of the resolution.
5.1. The everyday activity of the Association is managed and the Association is represented by the Management Board, which consists of at least one, but not more than thirteen members.
5.2. Competence of the Management Board:
running the daily operations of the Association;
keeping track of the number of the Association’s members and the collection of membership fees;
preparing the Association’s activity plan and budget;
preparing the annual report and organising accounting;
using and controlling the Association’s assets in accordance with legal requirements, the articles of associations, and decisions of the general meeting.
5.3. The general meeting will elect Management Board members from the members of the Association. A Management Board member is deemed as elected when more than half of the members of the Association who participate or are represented at the meeting vote in favour of the person. The Management Board is elected for five years.
5.4. The Management Board represents the association in all legal proceedings.
5.5. Each Management Board member can individually represent the Association in all legal proceedings.
5.6. A Management Board member may be removed by a resolution of the general meeting at any time regardless of the reason.
5.7. The chairman, his or her deputy or at least 1/3 of the members of the Management Board can call a Management Board meeting.
5.8. The Management Board has quorum when more than half of the members of the Management Board are present at the meeting.
5.9. The Management Board can adopt resolutions without calling a meeting when all members of the Management Board vote in favour of the resolution in a written form that can be reproduced.
5.10. The person who called a Management Board meeting has the right to ask the necessary experts to participate at the meeting as consultants or experts as he or she sees appropriate; the experts have the right to speak at the meeting.
5.11. The Management Board must employ and release from employment all of the association’s paid employees.
6.1. The Managing CEO manages everyday activities of the Association and bears responsibility for the execution of the resolutions adopted by the General Meeting and the Board. Managing CEO could be Board Member or could be outside the Board Member, could do his job for money or free of charge. The Managing CEO is a person that, as an each Board Member, contacts with the world (outside Association) as an association representer.
6.2.A. The Managing CEO:
6.2.A.1. carries out operational administration of the Association and organises its usual activities;
6.2.A.2. enters into and terminates employment contracts and establishes remuneration for the employees;
6.2.A.3. prepares the annual budget of the Association and its action plan and submits them to the Board for consolidation;
6.2.A.4. draws up financial year reports and submits them to the Board for approval;
6.2.A.5. reports to the Board about his or her activities;
6.2.A.6. issues orders within the scope of his or her powers;
6.2.A.7. represents the Association in all transactions carried out with legal and natural entities on the basis of the Power of Attorney;
6.2.A.8. signs banking documents within the limits of the budget;
6.2.A.9. takes part in the meetings of the Board without the right to vote;
6.2.A.10.submits the structure of the Association and composition of personnel to the Board for approval;
6.2.A.11.submits the list of services as well as the price list and the principles for assigning fees to the Board for approval;
6.2.A.12. makes other decisions within the scope of his or her powers;
6.2.A.13. keeps the Association information confident.
6.2.B. Association Management Team (AMT) firstly is considered by resolution of the Board Members, AMT are chosen only from Association members. When the structure is built and the members of the Association are recruited, the members of the board no longer have the authority and rights to interfere in the intra-church system and dispensation, since they are not experts in the field of building an effective church system. Within the Association itself, the AMT is the Main Governing Body, to which the Board Member and other clerks also report. AMT don’t have the rights to represent Association as a legal person outside Association structures. AMT act as an Order of Monks or as an Order of the Knights Templar, Kovin etc., that means that they don’t contact with the world of profane (jargon in the wizarding world), also known as goys (Elders of Zion, Yahweh, Moses “Tora”), unicellulars (O. Seriy’s “The World of Unicellular”), muggles (Joanne Rowling’s “Harry Potter”), primitive (Cassandra Clare‘s “Shadowhunters”) as an Association representers or AMT. They can act as a physical or legal persons in the profane world. AMT can to speak at Association events and conduct activities within the Association established by the Board, such as sitting at a table (called the «King Arthur Table» (Table) within the Association) and making monastic decisions.That means that Board Members and Managing CEO are engaged in secular activities (and relations with the outside world), and AMT deals with internal church (Association) affairs.
6.3. The AMT structure (inside Association structure), status, hierarchy, service relations. AMT structure is only for internal Association use, in the same time AMT is the Main Governing Body, to which the Board Member and other Clerics also report. AMT can fire and hire anyone by it’s governing body set out in section 6.3 AMT.
6.3.1. Hermes XXIII (church main Feeder and Visioner). Is elected unanimously at a table of 13 (13 together with Hermes) by the group of Visioners. Head of the Table. Is also one of the Visioners XXII and take part in the Board of Visioners.
6.3.2. Visioners XXII (up to 12 members). They can only take unanimous decisions. E.g.: If one does not agree, the task of the others is to explain to him/her, and he/she either takes the position of the others after the discussion, or everyone takes his/her position (if he/she realized what others did not see). Responsibilities are similar to those of Board Members (but they are not Board Members). Visioners are elected by Visioners (Hermes XXIII is also a Visioner).
6.3.3. Prophets (their only goal in the world is to spread the influence of the Association). They are elected only by the Visioners.
6.3.4. De Angels X (those who have the ability, with Association for a long time). Any subordinate or superior intrachurch structure proposes candidates for consideration, which are considered and approved or rejected by the Board of Visioners.
6.3.5. Keepers IX (store and manage information). Are elected by De Angels X. Manage all those who are lower within the church in the hierarchy.
6.3.6. TetroClerics VIII (guardians and protection Clerics of the Association and all its representatives, also at events, before and after). They are divided for two groups: a) legal and financial support TetroClerics VIII/A and b) physical and mental protection TetroClerics VIII/B. Are elected by Keepers IX (if future TetroClerics VIII are longtime and trusted members of the church, the Keepers IX can hire and fire them by themselves). If there are no relevant specialists in the ranks of the church, these specialists can be hired from outside under a contract or as a firm or subcontractor organization (must be approved by the council of each higher intra-church authority, including Visioners XII). Association Board Members and Managing CEO in the Association hierarchy are at this TetroClerics VIII/A stage.
6.3.7. Mediums VII (sensitive psychic). Elected by Magicians VI councils by region.
6.3.8. Magicians VI (practitioners, conductors and researchers of magic, fairy, hybrids, etc.). Achieving this Stage (level) and above are keeping the Association information confident by the member or non-member contractor (6.3.6. exception).
6.3.9. Twilighters V (passed V levels of education of the founder of the Association (4 levels of theory and 5 levels of practice).
6.3.10. Clerics I-IV (completed our educational course). They are named as Clerics I-IV (depends on how much Stages (levels) of education they had made, e.g.: Cleric I = I level educated).
6.3.11. Untouchables (progeny). Active members or members who started our courses, but not finished even I Stage yet.
6.3.12. Unsleeped (new members, that are registered and successfully paid annual membership fee).
6.4. The service clothes of Clergymen (AMT).
6.4.1. As our main idea is Freedom, the service clothes of AMT (Clergymen) is a wish, not a requirement, it is possible to use any clothes or be without them at all. Off course, in a some kind of meetings (for example, with partners) some dresscode is necessary (so where dresscode is, the dresscode type of clothes is a rule).
6.4.2. Service clothes characteristics are: Dishdasha (Iraq, Iran, Oman, Kuwait) aka kandura (UAE) aka toba (Saudi Arabia, Bahrain) — a traditional long robe or «robe». Of course, this is not a robe at all, but rather a tunic or a long shirt (any colour) to the floor in “Jesus Style”, but from a distance it looks very similar. It is important and in most cases necessary to put Association Name / Logo like a print before wearing. Association Franchise provides samples of design layouts for printing on tunics as a unique service provider. A headdress is not required (it is necessary to cover your head only because of the heat, climate change). Any headdress is possible (hat / cap / scarf / gutra (with or without gahfia) / towel / birga / turban / bisht , etc.
6.4.3. Accessories of the AMT of Association (can be put / print on everything, clothes, amulets, seals, rings, prints, products, advertising, etc.): Duoquert/-e (also known as duoquetrus) – the Symbol, that was Created by Might via the Prophet – founder of the Association Oleg Siryi. Duoquetrus,- lat. duoquetra (/duoˈkwɛtrə/ duo-KWEH-truh; from the Latin adjective duoquetrus «two-cornered») is a geometrical symbol of Truth, that is made from two crossed elipses, placed diagonally. All versions of the logos of Association. Symbol of W (M) and other possible Family attributes and accessories.
6.5. Any tatoos or ties (on the body), SSN, DNA-implants, rf-ID chips, gps trackers, single world currency alien scripts, software that combines all banking and payment institutions accounts into one, connecting with your documents within any country, android firmware and other marks of the beast are not welcome. The above is not an obstacle to joining the church (Association), as we assume that many of our potential members may have a mark on their forehead (marking, invisible to the untrained human eye, infotrace), or demons (demons are program scripts (code) and / or false belief programs).
6.6. Social rating (score) of potential members, any of the above, criminal history (financial offenses or civil, criminal) or prison / pre-trial detention are not an obstacle to joining the church (Association). On the contrary, such an experience is an experience / lesson and we hope that humans will be re-educated with the help of our Association in case of your active participation within the Organization.
7.1. The association’s financial year lasts from 1 January to 31 December. The report on the economic activity of the concluded year must be made available to the members for reading at least two weeks before the association’s planned general meeting at latest.
8.1. The association’s merger, division, and liquidation is completed in accordance with legal requirements.
8.2. The association’s liquidators are members of the management board or persons appointed by the general meeting.
8.3. Upon the termination of the association, the assets that remain after the satisfaction of claims of creditors are transferred to a member of the list of non-profit associations and foundations with tax incentives, or to a legal person in public law (including the state) or to the local government.
The Articles of Association have been adopted on 23/06/2023 (date)
legal person
BBCO OÜ ______________________ / Board Member Oleg Siryi
natural person
Private Person ______________________ / Oleg Siryi
(names and signatures)